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THE SECOND STORY OF…Your Great-Grandfathers(Duke Cheomji Fraction of Wonju Byun Clan and Creating English Name with the meaning of Generation Characters)

전자책 제목: THE SECOND STORY OF…Your Great-Grandfathers 부제목: Duke Cheomji Fraction of Wonju Byun Clan and Creating English Name with the meaning of Generation Characters ‘The Second Edition of Your Great-grandfather's Story’ has added information about the duke Cheomji fraction descendants and provides an opportunity to find direct ancestors using the names (English, Hangul, Hanja) of the Cheomji ..
전자책 제목: THE SECOND STORY OF…Your Great-Grandfathers
부제목: Duke Cheomji Fraction of Wonju Byun Clan and Creating English Name with the meaning of Generation Characters

‘The Second Edition of Your Great-grandfather's Story’ has added information about the duke Cheomji fraction descendants and provides an opportunity to find direct ancestors using the names (English, Hangul, Hanja) of the Cheomji fraction descendants currently in the genealogy of the Byun clan in Wonju. The second purpose was to provide descendants who need English names with an easy way to come up with English names using the theory of ‘Coexistence and Opposite of the Five Elements,’ which is the knowledge or legacy of your ancestors.
Minho J. Byun is a descendant of the 24th generation of the Wonju Byun clan and the 16th generation of the duke Cheomji faction. Minho graduated from Emory University. He studied at the Graduate School at the University of Pennsylvania and as of 2024, he is attending Vanderbilt Law School.

Keunho D. Byun is a descendant of the 24th generation of the Wonju Byun clan and the 16th generation of the duke Cheomji faction. Keunho majored in Finance & Information Technology at Emory University, Goizueta Business School, and graduated with an MSBA from Graduate School of Emory Goizueta Business School. Currently, as an Equity Research Analyst, he works for Bank of America.

Woonjoo J. Byun is a descendant of the 23rd generation of the Wonju Byun clan and the 17th generation of the duke Cheomji faction. She received her master's degree from State University of New York, USA. Woonjoo did her bachelor's and master's studies at Chung-Ang University and worked for CITI Bank in Seoul and Trans Freight Inc. in the US. For a while, she briefly worked for Woori America Bank in the US headquarters in 2018.

Jongho Byun, Ph. D., is a descendant of the 23rd generation of the Wonju Byun clan and the 17th generation of the duke Cheomji faction. He received his Ph.D. in transportation planning and management science and information technology from NJIT and Rutgers University and worked as a professor at the State University of New York.
How to create English names using the theory of the five elements is a very interesting topic!!

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